Small steps toward a better future

Reduce, reuse and recycle might be a familiar saying that you’ve heard over the years. Those three pillars of waste reduction are important for all ages, especially kids as they are growing and learning about the world.
Teaching kids about caring for the environment can help them learn important life values, including sustainability, empathy, responsibility, and respect. It could also make them more conscious about waste and care more about how other items might be reused.
Why Recycling for Kids is Important
it’s never too early to start talking to kids about recycling. Starting the sustainability conversation early in a child’s life can help instill positive habits that will be easier to maintain as they age.
You can start by incorporating basic sustainability practices into your daily activities. For example, you could collect litter in a park, at the beach, or on your street as a family activity. Explain to kids in simple words how you decide to throw some things in the trash bin and others in the recycle bin. As they begin to learn, let them help decide whether an item should be placed in a trash or a recycle bin.
Turning Trash Into Treasure
When it comes to reducing and reusing, one kid’s trash can become another’s treasure, through art! Recycled art is about using materials that are usually discarded to create original works of art. Your home is a great place to find materials that kids can recycle into art, including:
Fabric from old clothing
Small wood scraps
Wine corks
Old toys
Plastic water bottles and caps
Egg cartons
Kids are naturally creative. You can place a number of clean items that would be destined for the trash bin, some scissors, and glue in front of a child and let them discover their own ideas for creating arts and crafts.
Source: 1-800-GOT-JUNK